You are the sun that brightens my day
The moon that guides my night
The star that twinkles in my sky
The light that fills my life
You are the air that breathes in my lungs
The water that quenches my thirst
The earth that grounds my feet
The life that flows in my veins
You are the fire that sparks in my heart
The wind that whispers in my ear
The storm that rages in my soul
The passion that burns in my eyes
You are the song that plays in my head
The melody that soothes my mind
The harmony that blends with my voice
The music that moves my spirit
You are the dream that visits my sleep
The vision that inspires my wake
The reality that exceeds my hopes
The love that fills my being!
She loved him from the first moment she saw him. He was tall and handsome, with a charming smile and a gentle voice. He was her sister's husband, but she didn't care. She wanted him for herself.
She hated her sister for having him. She was plain and boring, with a nagging voice and a dull personality. She didn't deserve him. She didn't appreciate him. She didn't love him.
She decided to take him away from her. She devised a plan to ruin their marriage. She planted seeds of doubt and suspicion in his mind. She fabricated evidence of her sister's infidelity. She pretended to be her confidante and her ally. She lied and manipulated and schemed.
He fell for her trap. He believed her lies. He confronted his wife and accused her of cheating. He ignored her pleas and her denials. He filed for divorce and left her. He …
Read ...Eliza felt the sun caress her hair, turning the silver strands into gold. She smiled as she hung the silk lanterns on the porch, their soft light reflecting the warmth in Michael's eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "You look beautiful, my love," he whispered.
She turned and hugged him. "So do you, my darling." They kissed, their lips speaking the language of their hearts. Their vow renewal was a week away, a celebration of their triumph over a storm that almost tore them apart. A storm of lies, betrayal, and pain. A storm they weathered together, with courage, forgiveness, and love.
But the arrival of Eliza's cousin, Claudia, threatened to bring back the clouds. Claudia, who always wore stiletto heels and a fake smile. Claudia, who always envied Eliza for finding happiness. Claudia, who always made barbed comments, disguised as concern, to undermine …
Read ...She found the letter in her mailbox. It was written on a fine paper, with a delicate handwriting. It was addressed to her, but it had no name or stamp. It was a love letter.
She read it with curiosity and wonder. It was full of compliments and confessions. It said she was the most beautiful and charming woman in Paris. It said she had captivated the heart and the mind of the writer. It said he wanted to meet her and to make her happy. It said he loved her.
She felt a mix of emotions. She was flattered and intrigued. She was also confused and suspicious. Who was he? How did he know her? Why did he write to her? She had no clue. She had no admirers. She had no lovers. She had no friends. She was alone.
She was a Jewish woman living in Nazi-occupied Paris. …
Read ...She checked her phone for the fifth time. He was late. She wondered if he had changed his mind or got lost. She felt a surge of anxiety and regret. Why did she agree to this blind date? She barely knew anything about him, except that he was a friend of a friend and that he liked books and music. She sighed and sipped her coffee, hoping he would show up soon.
He ran across the street, dodging the cars and the pedestrians. He cursed himself for being late. He had overslept and missed the bus. He hoped she was still waiting for him. He had been looking forward to this date for weeks. He had seen her picture and thought she was beautiful. He had read her profile and thought she was smart and funny. He wanted to impress her and make her like him.
He spotted her at …
Read ...He had loved her since he was a young boy, and she had loved him back. They grew up together, they went to school together, they dreamed of a future together. He was a brilliant student, a talented writer, a promising scholar. She was a beautiful girl, a talented singer, a promising artist.
They got married as soon as they graduated, and they moved to the city to pursue their careers. He got a job at a prestigious university, and she got a contract with a famous record label. They were happy, they were successful, they were in love.
But fame and fortune changed her. She became obsessed with her image, her popularity, her wealth. She started to neglect him, to cheat on him, to lie to him. She became addicted to drugs, to alcohol, to gambling. She became a different person, a person he didn't recognize, a person he …
Read ...She had always been drawn to his eyes, those deep pools of amber that seemed to hold a thousand mysteries. She felt a connection with him, a bond that transcended words and logic. She knew he felt it too, but he never spoke of it. He was a man of few words, a man of secrets.
One day, she decided to ask him what he was hiding, what he was afraid to share with her. She looked into his eyes and said, "I don't know what secret is hidden in your eyes, that I can see that secret but I cannot tell. Please, trust me. Tell me what you are hiding."
He sighed and looked away. He seemed to struggle with something, a conflict that tore him apart. He finally turned back to her and said, "You won't believe me if I tell you. You won't understand. You won't accept …
Read ...The world was on the brink of the third world war. The countries were split into two rival factions. Their power was evenly matched and the war would be devastating and deadly.
They called it the last war. The war that would end all wars. The war that would finally bring peace and harmony to the world. The war that would unite humanity under one flag, one leader, one vision - the vision of the victor.
But the young people did not want to fight. They did not see the point of killing each other for the sake of old men's ambitions. They did not share the hatred and fear that their rulers had instilled in them. They did not believe in the propaganda and the lies that their media had fed them.
They had grown up with a different culture. A culture that transcended borders and boundaries. A culture …
Read ...من مست و تو دیوانه، ما را که برد خانه؟
من چند تو را گفتم کم خور دو سه پیمانه؟
I am drunk and you are crazy, who took us home?
How much did I tell you to drink less, two or three cups?
We were at the rooftop party, enjoying the music and the view. You had a glass of wine in your hand, and I had a bottle of beer. You looked at me with a mischievous smile and said, "Let's play a game. Every time the DJ changes the song, we drink."
I agreed, thinking it would be fun. But I didn't realize how fast the songs were changing, or how strong the drinks were. Soon, we were both feeling the effects of alcohol. You started to dance wildly, spinning and jumping around. I tried to keep up with you, but I felt dizzy and nauseous. I …
Read ...چاقوی زریننگارش را محکم در دست گرفت. انگار قرار بود لیز بخورد و نابود شود. خودش هم اطمینان کامل را به خودش نداشت. انگار در همین لحظه چیزها قرار بود نابود شوند.
دخترک ضعیف رو به رویش روی زمین افتاده بود. دیگر تکان نمیخورد. نه اینکه نمیتوانست تکان بخورد، دیگر نمیخواست که تکان بخورد!
«این.. خنجر پدرمه.»
«میدونم. اون قبلا کسی رو باهاش نکشته، اینطور نیست؟»
او اخم میکند. «پس با چیزهای دیگه مردم رو کشته.»
«هنوز در گوشهای از ذهنم این باور وجود داره که اون مرد خوبی بوده.»
داد میزند. «هیچکدوم از مردم خوبی اون رو نمیگن!»
هرگاه مردم میگفتند کسی خداست، حتما بود. و اگر میگفتند آن شخص لجن است، حتما بود. هرچه مردم میگفتند شخص همان بود. و انسان همان میشد. روال طبیعی همین بود!
دخترک به چشمهای تاریکش نگاه کرد. «من وقتی بچه بودم تلاش میکردم با شیطان صحبت کنم تا شاید فرد خوبی بشه. من میتونم تورو هم آدم بهتری کنم.»
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