Flash Stories

For once dead you never shall return

khayam khayam Jan. 25, 2024, 10:26 a.m.

لب بر لب کوزه بردم از غایت آز
تا زو پرسم واسطه عمر دراز

لب بر لب من نهاد و می گفت این راز
می خور که بدین جهان نمی آیی باز

Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn
My lip the secret Well of Life to learn

And lip to lip it murmured - "While you live,
"Drink! - for once dead you never shall return!"


She was a young woman who loved adventure. She wanted to travel the world, to see new places, to meet new people. She had a passion for learning and a curiosity for life.

But she also had a fear of missing out. She always hesitated to make a decision, to take a risk, to commit to a plan. She always wondered if there was something better, something more, something else.

She found an earthen bowl in an antique shop, that caught her eye. It was …

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He had traveled too far

hamed hamed Jan. 30, 2024, 7:55 p.m.

The Time Traveler

He had always wanted to see the future. He had spent years working on his time machine, hoping to witness the wonders of human civilization in the next millennium. He had set the date to January 1, 3000, and pressed the button.

He expected to see flying cars, towering skyscrapers, and dazzling holograms. Instead, he saw nothing but dust and ruins. He stepped out of his time machine and looked around. He was in the middle of a deserted city, with no signs of life or technology. He felt a cold wind blowing through his hair and a chill in his bones.

He checked his time machine's display. It showed the correct date and location. He had arrived in New York City, but it was not the New York City he knew. It was a wasteland, a graveyard of humanity.

He wondered what had happened. Had there …

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azriel's opinion.

ziamaiko ziamaiko Jan. 4, 2024, 6:25 p.m.

دنیا کاملا بی‌عدالت است. شعارهایی که می‌گویند همه یکسان هستند، همه دروغ‌هایی مانند گل‌های پژمرده‌اند. روزی زیبا بودند؛ اما حالا دارند از بین می‌روند. زشت شده‌اند و از زیبایی‌شان چیزی نمانده. نماد مرگ هستند.
در میان زندگی سرنوشتت دگرگون می‌شود. تمام بدی‌های دنیا سرت خراب می‌شوند بدون اینکه کار اشتباهی کرده باشی.
بله. تمام بدی‌های زندگی آزمون الهی نیست. نمی‌خواهد ما را قوی کند. اتفاق‌های بد می‌افتند. همین. زندگی‌ات می‌تواند نابود شود بدون اینکه کار اشتباهی کرده باشی.
من تا کنون مرگ آدم‌های زیادی را دیده‌ام. حتی خودم هم بارها و بارها به مرگ نزدیک شده‌ام و می‌دانم که چقدر واقعی‌ست.
گرچه مثل اینکه برای آیکو اینطور نیست. هرگز نبوده است. هر زمان که اتفاق وحشتناکی می‌افتد آیکو فقط جلو می‌رود و خیلی مصمم می‌گوید. «من نمی‌میرم!» نه من و نه آکی هرگز منظورش را متوجه نشده‌ایم. هرگز نفهمیدیم از کجا انقدر مطمئن است که نمی‌میرد. از طرفی، درمورد مردن ما بیش از …

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a genius loner.

ziamaiko ziamaiko Dec. 29, 2023, 5:58 a.m.

گاهی اوقات چنان با احساس همراه ربات‌ها صحبت می‌کرد که فراموش می‌کرد آنها احساساتی ندارند. حتی فراموش می‌کرد آنها ساخته‌ای به دست انسان‌ها هستند که قابلیت فراموش کردن هر چیزی را دارند.
«دست از درد و دل کردن با رباتا بردار. اونا حتی احساست تورو متوجه نمی‌شن.»
آرورا لبه‌ی میز نشسته بود و پاهایش را مثل یک کودک تکون می‌داد. مهم نبود چقدر سال‌ها می‌گذرند و سن او بالا می‌رود. او هنوز کودک هشت ساله‌ای است که روز اول ساخته شده بود. می‌توان گفت در طول آن هزار و دویست سال، هیچ کودکی مثل آرورا ساخته نشده بود.
همیشه موهایش را بالای سرش جمع می‌کرد و همراه دفتر کوچکش همه جای یتیم‌خانه قدم می‌زد. اگر فرد جدیدی به آنجا می‌آمد، قطعا آرورا را فرشته‌ای می‌دید که برای خدا پیغام می‌برد. به همین شکل از همه چیز یادداشت برداری می‌کرد.
آرورا سرش را کج کرد و گفت. «اما به هرحال بهم جواب می‌ده. همین برام …

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The Gift

maryam maryam Jan. 15, 2024, 4:40 p.m.

Emma had always wanted a dog. Ever since she was a little girl, she had dreamed of having a furry friend to play with, cuddle with, and love. She had begged her parents for a dog, but they had always said no. They said that dogs were too expensive, too messy, too noisy, too much work.

Emma was heartbroken, but she never gave up hope. She read books about dogs, watched movies about dogs, drew pictures of dogs. She even made a list of names for her future dog, hoping that one day, her wish would come true.

On her tenth birthday, Emma woke up with a smile. She had a feeling that this was going to be a special day, a day that would change her life. She ran downstairs, eager to see what her parents had prepared for her.

She was greeted by a festive scene. The living …

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What is in my best interest and what am I looking for?

hafiz hafiz Jan. 22, 2024, 3:08 p.m.

صلاحِ کار کجا و منِ خراب کجا
ببین تفاوتِ ره کز کجاست تا به کجا

دلم ز صومعه بگرفت و خِرقِهٔ سالوس
کجاست دیرِ مُغان و شرابِ ناب کجا

چه نسبت است به‌رندی صَلاح و تقوا را
سماعِ وعظ کجا نغمهٔ رَباب کجا

ز رویِ دوست دلِ دشمنان چه دریابد
چراغِ مرده کجا شمعِ آفتاب کجا

چو کُحلِ بینشِ ما خاکِ آستانِ شماست
کجا رویم بفرما ازین جناب کجا

مَبین به سیبِ زَنَخدان که چاه در راه است
کجا همی‌ رَوی ای دل بدین شتاب کجا

بشد که یاد خوشش باد روزگارِ وصال
خود آن کرشمه کجا رفت و آن عِتاب کجا

قرار و خواب ز حافظ طمع مدار ای دوست
قرار چیست صبوری کدام و خواب کجا

There is a big distance between my best interest and me who is drunk and broken.
Look at the difference in distance from where to where! Where am I and where is expediency?

My heart got upset by the monastery (the …

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He never found out

dehongi dehongi Jan. 5, 2024, 4:58 p.m.

He had always wanted to be a writer, but life had other plans for him. He worked as an accountant at a large corporation, crunching numbers and filing reports. He hated his job, but he couldn't quit. He had a family to support, a mortgage to pay, and a boss who demanded his loyalty.

He had no time for his own dreams. He barely had time for his own family. He always said yes to every request, every favor, every assignment. He was afraid of disappointing others, of losing his reputation, of being seen as selfish.

He had a drawer full of unfinished manuscripts, a shelf full of unread books, and a heart full of regret. He wondered what his life would have been like if he had followed his passion, if he had said no to the things that didn't matter, if he had put his own interest in …

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Japan vs Iran

hamed hamed Jan. 19, 2024, 6:27 p.m.

Alice: Hi, Sara. Did you watch the football match yesterday?
Sara: Yes, I did. It was hilarious!
Alice: Hilarious? How so?
Sara: Well, you know how Iran was playing against Japan, right?
Alice: Yeah, of course.
Sara: And you know how Japan is famous for their anime, right?
Alice: Yeah, I guess.
Sara: Well, I swear, some of the players looked like they came straight out of an anime. They had spiky hair, big eyes, and exaggerated expressions.
Alice: Really? I didn't notice that.
Sara: Oh, come on. You must have seen the goalkeeper. He looked like Naruto.
Alice: Naruto? The ninja guy?
Sara: Yeah, that one. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and a headband. He even did some ninja moves when he saved the ball.
Alice: Haha, now that you mention it, he did look like Naruto.
Sara: And what about the striker? He looked like Goku.
Alice: Goku? The super saiyan guy?
Sara: Yeah, that one. He had black hair, green eyes, …

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The House on the Hill

sara sara Jan. 27, 2024, 8:59 a.m.

Mark and Lisa were a young couple who loved adventure. They liked to explore new places and seek thrills. They heard about a house on the hill that was rumored to be haunted. They decided to check it out.

They drove to the hill and parked their car. They saw the house looming over them. It was a large, old, and dilapidated mansion. It had broken windows, peeling paint, and overgrown weeds. It looked eerie and ominous.

They grabbed their flashlights and backpacks and walked towards the house. They felt a chill in the air and a sense of dread. They ignored their feelings and entered the house.

They found themselves in a dark and dusty hallway. They saw cobwebs, rats, and roaches. They smelled mold, decay, and death. They heard creaks, moans, and whispers. They felt uneasy and scared.

They decided to split up and explore the house. Mark …

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The enemy is a friend whose story we have not heard

saadi saadi Jan. 26, 2024, 12:54 p.m.

The Enemy!

He saw him lying on the ground, bleeding from his chest. He recognized him as the enemy soldier who had shot at him earlier. He felt a surge of anger and hatred, mixed with fear and relief. He had survived, but his enemy had not.

He walked towards him, holding his rifle. He wanted to make sure he was dead. He wanted to see his face, to look into his eyes and feel victorious. He wanted to avenge his fallen comrades, his friends who had died in this war.

But as he approached him, he noticed something. He noticed a small book in his hand, a book with a familiar cover. He bent down and picked it up. He opened it and saw the words he knew so well. It was a book of poems by Saadi Shirazi, his favorite poet.

He looked at the enemy soldier again, …

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