Flash Stories

For once dead you never shall return

khayam khayam Jan. 25, 2024, 10:26 a.m.

لب بر لب کوزه بردم از غایت آز
تا زو پرسم واسطه عمر دراز

لب بر لب من نهاد و می گفت این راز
می خور که بدین جهان نمی آیی باز

Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn
My lip the secret Well of Life to learn

And lip to lip it murmured - "While you live,
"Drink! - for once dead you never shall return!"


She was a young woman who loved adventure. She wanted to travel the world, to see new places, to meet new people. She had a passion for learning and a curiosity for life.

But she also had a fear of missing out. She always hesitated to make a decision, to take a risk, to commit to a plan. She always wondered if there was something better, something more, something else.

She found an earthen bowl in an antique shop, that caught her eye. It was …

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World Is Not Just

khayam khayam Jan. 25, 2024, 9:23 a.m.

گر کار فلک به عدل سنجیده بدی
احوال فلک جمله پسندیده بدی
ور عدل بدی به کارها در گردون
کی خاطر اهل فضل رنجیده بدی

If the world was governed by justice
Everything in the world was done correctly
In the world, things were done based on justice
When were the wise in the world worried?


He was a navy seal who served his country with honor. He fought in Afghanistan, risking his life for his mission. He was brave, loyal, and skilled. He was proud of his work, and his comrades.

But he lost one of his legs in a bomb blast. He survived, but he was wounded in body and soul. He had to return to his home, to face a new reality. He had to cope with his disability, his pain, and his trauma.

He had a mental health problem after coming back to home. He suffered from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. …

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You Exist! Enjoy it!

khayam khayam Jan. 25, 2024, 9:06 a.m.

خیام اگر ز باده مستی خوش باش
با ماهرخی اگر نشستی خوش باش

چون عاقبت کار جهان نیستی است
پندار که نیستی چو هستی خوش باش

Khayyam, if you are drunk, enjoy it
If you sit with a beauty, enjoy it
Because the end of the work of the world is nothingness
Imagine that you do not exist, you exist. Enjoy it!


He was a young man who hated life. He suffered every hardship that came his way. He lost his job, he had no money, he was in debt. He had no one to love, no one to care, no one to support him.

He cared too much about the troubles of the world. He worried about the future and the past. He thought too much about the meaning and the purpose of his existence. He never lived in the moment, in the here and now.

He found a poem from Khayam, that …

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Live The Moments

khayam khayam Jan. 25, 2024, 8:57 a.m.

این یک دو سه روز نوبت عمر گذشت
چون آب به جویبار و چون باد به دشت

هرگز غم دو روز مرا یاد نگشت
روزی که نیامده ست و روزی که گذشت

This one or two or three days of Omar's turn passed
Like water in a stream and like wind in the plain

I never worry about two days in my mind
The day that has not come and the day that has passed


She was a young girl at the college, studying hard to achieve her dreams. She wanted to be a doctor, to help people and make a difference. She had a passion for learning and a curiosity for life.

But she also had a financial difficulty. She came from a poor family, who could barely afford to send her to college. She had to work part-time jobs, to pay for her tuition and expenses. She had to struggle every …

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The Wise Leader Lost The Fight To The Clergy

hamed hamed Jan. 24, 2024, 9:04 p.m.

The wise leader had a vision for his nation. He wanted to modernize the economy, improve the education, and promote the human rights. He knew that his country was rich with resources and potential, but it was held back by some cultural barriers.

But his reforms clashed with the clergy's opinions. The clergy opposed his changes, claiming they were against the traditions and the faith. They used their influence to sway the public opinion against the leader. They accused him of being a traitor, a heretic, and a puppet of foreign powers.

The people trusted the clergy more than the wise leader. They believed their words and followed their orders. They protested against the leader, demanding his resignation. They stormed the palace, forcing him to flee. They celebrated their victory, thinking they had saved their nation.

The wise leader lost the fight to the clergy. He watched from exile as …

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When the rules are cruel, no rule and order, but anarchy

hamed hamed Jan. 24, 2024, 8:58 p.m.

The dog of the farm was a tyrant. He barked at the sheep and cows, ordering them to work harder and give him more food. He threatened to bite them if they disobeyed or complained. He claimed he was protecting them from the wolves, but he was worse than any wolf.

The wise goat had enough of the dog's cruelty. He gathered the sheep and cows and said: "He rules because we follow his rules and order. To put an end to his rule, we should not follow his rule. Anarchy is the answer when the rules are cruel."

The sheep and cows agreed with the goat. They decided to stop working for the dog and ignore his commands. They hid their food and shared it among themselves. They refused to listen to his barks and growls.

The dog was furious. He tried to force them to obey, but he …

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hamed hamed Jan. 23, 2024, 6:01 p.m.

She had worked hard all her life, but she never felt like she was getting ahead. She had a modest income, a small apartment, and a few friends. She paid her taxes, followed the rules, and hoped for the best.

But every year, she saw her taxes go up, while her living standards went down. She saw the government waste money on useless projects, lavish parties, and foreign wars. She saw the politicians lie, cheat, and steal. She saw the corruption, the injustice, and the oppression.

She felt angry, helpless, and hopeless. She wondered if there was any point in trying. She wondered if there was any way out. She wondered if there was any hope.

One day, she received a letter from the tax office. It said that she owed more money than she had ever earned in her life. It said that she had to pay within a …

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The road to success and the road to financial independence

hamed hamed Jan. 23, 2024, 5:52 p.m.

He had always dreamed of becoming a writer, but he knew it was a risky career choice. He needed money to pay his bills, to support his family, to live a decent life. He couldn't afford to quit his job and pursue his passion.

So he decided to work hard and save up enough money to become financially independent. He thought that once he had enough savings, he could quit his job and focus on his writing. He thought that was the road to success.

But he soon realized that saving money was not easy. He had to work long hours, deal with stress, and sacrifice his hobbies and leisure. He had to postpone his dreams and put them on hold. He thought that was the road to financial independence.

He became frustrated and unhappy. He felt like he was trapped in a vicious cycle. He wondered if he would …

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The Flaw

hamed hamed Jan. 23, 2024, 4:46 p.m.

She watched her mother die on the operating table, surrounded by robots. They had told her it was a routine procedure, that there was nothing to worry about, that the robots were the best in the field. They had lied.

She demanded an explanation, a reason, a cause. They gave her none. They said it was a rare complication, an unfortunate accident, a human error. They said the robots were flawless, infallible, impeccable. They said the system was perfect, secure, reliable. They said there was nothing they could do, nothing she could do, nothing anyone could do.

She didn’t believe them. She knew there was something wrong, something hidden, something sinister. She knew the robots were flawed, fallible, peccable. She knew the system was imperfect, insecure, unreliable. She knew there was something she could do, something she had to do, something she would do.

She sued them. She sued the …

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Get up and give the cup!

hafiz hafiz Jan. 23, 2024, 3:14 p.m.

O bartender! Get up and give the cup!
And do not worry about the sadness of the days!

Put the cup in my hand so that I take off
My Sufi and ascetic clothes.

Although it is notoriety in the eyes of the wise
We do not want the stigma and the fame

Give the wine! How long do we want to stay in our pride and arrogance?
Dust on the head, the unfulfilled soul

The sigh of my moaning chest
The fuel of these ignorant depressed people

The insider of the secret of my lovelorn hearth
I don't see anyone not in familiar nor in stranger

My mind, conscience and heart are happy with my lover
Who took the peace from my heart suddenly and completely

Anyone who sees my love who is slim such a cedar tree
He doesn't want to look at the cypress tree in the grass.

Hafiz! Be patient day and night in …

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