Misereable Proud

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Misereable Proud

hamed hamed Jan. 9, 2024, 5:05 p.m.
Views: 227 |

He was a devout man, who followed his religion with zeal and fervor. He believed that his faith was the only true one, and that everyone else was either misguided or evil. He hated those who did not share his beliefs, and he shunned them from his life.

He thought he was doing God's will, but he was actually isolating himself from the world. He had no friends, no love, no joy. He only had his dogma, his rituals, his rules. He lived in fear and anger, and he spread them to others.

He never realized how much he was missing out on. He never experienced the beauty of diversity, the richness of culture, the warmth of compassion. He never learned from other perspectives, other experiences, other values. He never grew as a person, as a human being.

He died alone, bitter, and unhappy. He had lived a miserable life, and he had wasted his precious gift of existence. He had let his religious prejudice blind him from the truth, and he had lost his soul in the process!

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