The Showdown

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The Showdown

hamed hamed Jan. 29, 2025, 6:32 p.m.
Views: 45 |

Scene: The office break room. It’s mid-afternoon. Two coworkers, Tim and Sarah, are grabbing coffee. The vibe is slightly awkward. Tim, a staunch conservative, is sipping his coffee with a smug look. Sarah, the liberal firebrand, enters and immediately locks eyes with him. The Biden administration has ended, and it’s Tim’s time to shine.

Tim: (smirking) “So, uh... how’s life under the new administration, Sarah? Feeling... safe and heard?”

Sarah: (rolling her eyes) “Oh, you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Tim: (nodding slowly) “It’s like Christmas came early. You know, it’s been a whole few years of ‘reality checks’ under your guy, but now? Well, now, I think it’s time for the pendulum to swing back, wouldn’t you agree?”

Sarah: (mockingly) “Oh, swing back, huh? To the days of alternative facts and orange spray tans?”

Tim: (sipping his coffee) “Hey, don’t knock the spray tan. It’s a work of art.”

Sarah: “Sure, right next to ‘believing everything you hear on Fox News.’”

Tim: (leaning in) “Hey, Sarah, you remember when every news outlet called me crazy for thinking the 2020 election was... well, let’s say, suspect? Funny how you’re all of a sudden not so sure about the integrity of elections now, huh?”

Sarah: (sputtering) “Oh, don’t even get me started! It’s been months since your guy left office, and yet you’re still riding that ‘stolen election’ train. Let it go!”

Tim: (smirking wider) “Oh, trust me, I’m letting it go. You know, just waiting for the next big scandal to break under your side of the aisle. I mean, are we sure it’s only conservatives who get investigated these days? Just wait, Sarah, your time’s coming.”

Sarah: (arms crossed) “Ugh, I can’t believe this. You’ve been insufferable for years—always throwing around Biden this, Biden that—and now you think you’re winning?”

Tim: “Oh, honey, I’ve been winning. It’s just been under the radar for the last few years. Now I’m just enjoying the view from the top of the hill, watching you try to climb up and get your grip back.”

Sarah: “Please, we’re all in the same hole. The only difference is that now your guy’s gone, and the rest of us are stuck with the consequences. A conservative talking about winning? Now that’s rich.”

Tim: “Oh, I’m still winning, trust me. You’ve just been too distracted by your virtue-signaling to notice. But now, it’s our turn. Get ready for it, Sarah—2024 is gonna be a blast.”

Sarah: “You’re gonna keep talking about 2024 until you’re blue in the face, huh?”

Tim: (grinning) “Well, you’ve got four years to catch up, my friend. Better start Googling ‘conservative wins’ again.”

Sarah: (laughs sarcastically) “Okay, okay. Enjoy your moment. Just remember, when it all falls apart, I told you so.”

Tim: (winking) “Sure, Sarah. But for now, enjoy the break. You’ve got a few years of ‘opposition’ left, then the real fun begins.”

Sarah: “You know what, Tim? The only thing that’s ‘fun’ is how much I’m gonna remind you of all this when it all does go downhill.”

Tim: (grinning) “Fair enough. Just make sure you don’t trip on your way up. You wouldn’t want to miss out on the next ‘win,’ now, would you?”

They share a tense but amused glance, both secretly plotting their next big move as they grab their coffee.

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