They Are Comming For Your Job?

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They Are Comming For Your Job?

hamed hamed Jan. 12, 2024, 3:03 p.m.
Views: 214 |

Jack was a software developer who loved his job. He enjoyed solving problems, creating applications, and learning new technologies. He was proud of his skills and his portfolio.

But lately, he had been feeling anxious and insecure. He had heard about the new trends of generative AI, which could produce code, design, and content with just a few inputs. He had seen some of the examples online, and they looked impressive and realistic. He wondered if his job was in danger, if he would soon be replaced by a machine that could code faster and better than him.

He decided to try out one of the generative AI tools, just to see what it could do. He signed up for a free trial and entered a simple prompt: "Create a web app that allows users to upload and edit photos". He clicked the generate button and waited.

To his surprise, the tool returned a complete codebase for the web app, along with a link to a live demo. He opened the link and saw a sleek and functional photo editor, with features like cropping, resizing, filters, and stickers. He tested the app and found no bugs or errors. He checked the code and saw that it was well-written, commented, and documented. He felt a pang of envy and fear. How could he compete with this?

He closed the tab and opened his email. He saw a message from his boss, asking him to join a video call. He clicked the link and saw his boss and his teammates on the screen. His boss smiled and said, "Hey, Jack, I have some exciting news for you. We have just landed a big contract with a new client. They want us to create a web app that allows users to upload and edit photos."

Jack felt a surge of panic. He thought, "Oh no, they are going to use the generative AI tool and fire me. I'm doomed."

His boss continued, "This is a great opportunity for us, but also a challenge. The client has a tight deadline and a lot of requirements. They want the app to have features like face detection, object recognition, text recognition, and style transfer. They also want the app to be compatible with multiple platforms and languages. They have a high standard for quality and security. This is not an easy task, but I'm confident that we can do it. And that's why I'm going to assign you, Jack, as the lead developer for this project."

Jack was stunned. He thought, "What? Me? Why me? How can I do this?"

His boss explained, "You are the best developer on our team, Jack. You have the most experience and the most creativity. You have proven yourself time and time again with your excellent work. And you have the skills and the tools to make this project a success. You see, we are not going to use the generative AI tool as a replacement, but as a helper. We are going to use it to generate the basic code and design for the app, and then we are going to customize, improve, and optimize it. We are going to add our own features, our own flair, and our own security. We are going to make the app unique, user-friendly, and reliable. We are going to use the generative AI tool as a starting point, not as an end point. And you, Jack, are going to lead the way."

Jack felt a mix of emotions. He felt relieved, honored, and curious. He thought, "Maybe this is not so bad. Maybe this is a chance to learn something new, to challenge myself, to grow as a developer. Maybe this is the future of coding, and I can be a part of it."

He looked at his boss and his teammates, who were smiling and nodding. He felt a spark of excitement and confidence. He said, "Okay, boss, I'm in. Let's do this!

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