Ticket to Trouble

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Ticket to Trouble

hamed hamed Jan. 23, 2025, 6:49 p.m.
Views: 52 |

Olivia had been waiting for months. The Coldplay concert was finally happening, and she’d managed to snag the most coveted tickets in the city—front row, VIP access, the whole package. She’d been dreaming about it nonstop, even practicing her “unofficial” Coldplay dance moves in the living room when no one was watching. The concert was in two days, and she had the tickets tucked safely in her bedside drawer, where she would never forget them.

But life, as always, had other plans.

On the morning of the concert, Olivia had just stepped out of the shower when she heard the unmistakable sound of frantic rummaging. Her housemaid, Maria, was clearly in one of her "cleaning moods." Olivia sighed, knowing that Maria’s cleaning rituals often involved tossing things that weren’t nailed down. She rushed into the bedroom, wrapped in a towel, to find Maria organizing the room with military precision.

“Maria, where are my tickets?” Olivia asked, her heart sinking.

Maria looked up, beaming. “Oh, I threw away a pile of papers earlier—don’t worry, I got rid of all the junk. Everything’s spotless!”

Olivia froze. “Junk? What do you mean? My tickets!”

Maria’s eyes widened in horror. “I didn’t know they were important! They were just lying there with some receipts and old newspapers. I thought they were, you know, trash.”

A sickening wave of panic swept over Olivia. She bolted towards the trash bin, but before she could reach it, she heard a loud thunk. Maria had already lifted the lid and was looking inside like it was a treasure chest.

“I’ll find them! Don’t worry!” Maria said with far too much optimism for Olivia’s liking.

Olivia’s thoughts raced as she pictured her Coldplay dreams slipping away. How could she get to the concert now? The tickets were gone, buried somewhere in a mountain of banana peels and used tissues. She had no time to waste. In a burst of inspiration, she grabbed her phone.

"I’ll just call the venue," she muttered, “They’ll help me.”

She dialed the concert venue, but when the phone rang, a voice on the other end sighed dramatically. “Coldplay tickets? Yeah, that’s not how it works. You have to show up with the actual tickets. We don’t do replacements for... ‘misplaced’ tickets. Sorry.”

Olivia’s brain short-circuited. “Misplaced? They were thrown away! Thrown away!” she shrieked, causing Maria to flinch.

Without giving up, Olivia hung up and grabbed her purse. “I’ll just buy new ones!” she declared.

She darted to her laptop and frantically searched for resale tickets. The prices were astronomical. She wasn’t just talking about any resale prices—these were the kind of prices that made a second-hand kidney seem like a bargain.

Meanwhile, Maria continued to search through the trash with absurd determination, now wearing a pair of Olivia’s mismatched socks and using a salad tong to sift through the remains.

“I’m sorry!” Maria kept muttering. “I’ll get them! I promise!”

In a last-ditch effort, Olivia ran out the door and headed for the nearest resale shop. She stormed in, nearly knocking over a display of vintage concert T-shirts.

“I need Coldplay tickets. NOW.” she demanded.

The shopkeeper, a woman wearing way too much eyeliner and a vintage Nirvana hoodie, blinked at her. “We don’t sell Coldplay tickets... but I have a Foo Fighters ticket that could change your life.”

Olivia groaned. “No. I’m not here for Foo Fighters. I need Coldplay.”

Suddenly, her phone buzzed. It was a message from Maria: Found them!!

Olivia’s heart skipped a beat. She sprinted back home, arriving just as Maria triumphantly held up the precious tickets—slightly crumpled but intact, like they had been through a small war.

Olivia took them with shaking hands. “I can’t believe you actually found them. You saved my life!” she gasped.

Maria smiled proudly. “See? I told you, I’m good at cleaning. I just needed to dig deep.” She paused and added, “But maybe next time, don’t keep your tickets in a pile of receipts and old gum wrappers.”

Olivia glared, but she couldn’t help laughing.

That night, as she watched Coldplay belt out Fix You in front of thousands of fans, Olivia couldn’t shake the feeling that the true miracle wasn’t just getting to the concert. It was somehow surviving Maria’s cleaning spree without completely losing her sanity.

Next time, though, she’d be keeping her tickets in a much safer place—preferably behind a locked vault, three security guards, and a state-of-the-art alarm system.

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