You are the sun that brightens my day

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You are the sun that brightens my day

hamed hamed Feb. 8, 2024, 7:58 p.m.
Views: 58 |

You are the sun that brightens my day
The moon that guides my night
The star that twinkles in my sky
The light that fills my life

You are the air that breathes in my lungs
The water that quenches my thirst
The earth that grounds my feet
The life that flows in my veins

You are the fire that sparks in my heart
The wind that whispers in my ear
The storm that rages in my soul
The passion that burns in my eyes

You are the song that plays in my head
The melody that soothes my mind
The harmony that blends with my voice
The music that moves my spirit

You are the dream that visits my sleep
The vision that inspires my wake
The reality that exceeds my hopes
The love that fills my being!

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