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khayam khayam Jan. 27, 2024, 8:28 a.m.
Views: 213 |

آن روز که توسن فلک زین کردند
و آرایش مشتری و پروین کردند

این بود نصیب ما ز دیون قضا
ما را چه گنه قسمت ما این کردند

The day the world was created
And placed the planets Jupiter and Venus in their orbits

This was our share of the fate that was determined for us
We had no role in determining this fate

The Storm

Ali was a fisherman who lived in a small village by the sea. He loved his job and his family. He worked hard every day to provide for them. He was happy and content.

One day, a big storm came. It was the worst storm that Ali had ever seen. The wind was howling, the waves were crashing, and the rain was pouring. Ali was worried about his boat and his nets. He decided to go to the shore and check on them.

He left his house and walked towards the sea. He saw that his boat was still tied to the dock, but it was rocking violently. His nets were tangled and torn. He tried to untie his boat and save his nets, but it was too dangerous. The storm was too strong.

He realized that he had no control over the storm. He could not stop it or change it. He could only do his best to protect himself and his family. He decided to go back to his house and wait for the storm to pass.

He ran back to his house and hugged his wife and children. He told them that everything would be alright. He prayed for the storm to end soon. He hoped that his boat and his nets would survive.

He did not know what the future would bring. He did not know if he would be able to fish again. He did not know if he would be able to feed his family. He did not know if he would be happy and content again.

But he knew that he had nothing to do for the storm. He knew that he had done his best. He knew that he had to accept what he could not change. He knew that he had to live his life, no matter what.

Sometimes in the life storms come and rock our life and the best thing that we can do is waiting for storm to pass.

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