For these days are fleeting and will not return

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For these days are fleeting and will not return

khayam khayam Jan. 20, 2024, 7:03 p.m.
Views: 226 |

با دوستان می‌نوش و گل بر سر بنه
کاین روزها رفتنی‌اند و بر نمی‌گردند
با خود بگو که چه کار داری با دی و فردا
کاین دم که داری بیا و بر لب ما بنه

Drink wine with friends and put a flower on your head
For these days are fleeting and will not return
Tell yourself what business do you have with yesterday and tomorrow
This moment that you have, come and put it on our lips


They met at a tavern, two strangers in a foreign land. They shared a table, a bottle of wine, and a conversation. They laughed at the absurdity of life, the futility of chasing the past or the future, and the beauty of the present moment.

They decided to leave the tavern together, and walk along the moonlit streets. They stopped at a garden, where they plucked some flowers and put them on their heads. They kissed under the stars, feeling a connection that transcended time and space.

They knew they would never see each other again, but they did not care. They had lived a lifetime in one night, and they were grateful for it. They parted ways with a smile, a hug, and a whisper:

"This moment that we had, let us put it on our lips."

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