You Exist! Enjoy it!

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You Exist! Enjoy it!

khayam khayam Jan. 25, 2024, 9:06 a.m.
Views: 222 |

خیام اگر ز باده مستی خوش باش
با ماهرخی اگر نشستی خوش باش

چون عاقبت کار جهان نیستی است
پندار که نیستی چو هستی خوش باش

Khayyam, if you are drunk, enjoy it
If you sit with a beauty, enjoy it
Because the end of the work of the world is nothingness
Imagine that you do not exist, you exist. Enjoy it!


He was a young man who hated life. He suffered every hardship that came his way. He lost his job, he had no money, he was in debt. He had no one to love, no one to care, no one to support him.

He cared too much about the troubles of the world. He worried about the future and the past. He thought too much about the meaning and the purpose of his existence. He never lived in the moment, in the here and now.

He found a poem from Khayam, that his father had left him when he died. He read it to himself, whenever he felt sad or hopeless. He found wisdom and happiness in its words.

خیام اگر ز باده مستی خوش باش
با ماهرخی اگر نشستی خوش باش

چون عاقبت کار جهان نیستی است
پندار که نیستی چو هستی خوش باش

Khayyam, if you are drunk, enjoy it
If you sit with a beauty, enjoy it
Because the end of the work of the world is nothingness
Imagine that you do not exist, you exist. Enjoy it!

He decided to follow the poem's advice. Instead of complaining about everything he started living the moment trying enjoying his moments.

He did not care about the troubles of the world. He did not worry about the future or the past. He did not think about the meaning or the purpose of his existence. He only lived in the moment, in the here and now.

He realized that life was not bad, that every day was a gift. He realized that he had to enjoy every moment, to appreciate every opportunity. He realized that he had to live in the present, to focus on the positive.

He thanked Khayam for his poem, that his father had given him when he lived. He recited it to himself, whenever he felt happy or content. He found wisdom and happiness in its words.

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